Give Back Day Program
Where members show their appreciation for the ARK by supporting the Cele-events of members on their Give Back Day!
How it works:
Celebrating a Birthday or New Baby?
Post it with a image of yourself or your baby on our Cele-events page so members can give you a cash gift on that event day…on their Give Back Day.
Celebrating a Wedding or Anniversary?
Post it with a image of you and your spouse on our Cele-events page so members can give you a cash gift on that event day…on their Give Back Day.
Celebrate an Upcoming or Past College Graduation
Post it with an image of you on our Cele-events page so members can give you a cash gift on that event day…on their Give Back Day to help pay down your student loan.
Buying your first house or paying one off?
Post the day your purchased your home or want to on our Cele-events page so members can give you a cash gift on that event day…on their Give Back Day to help you pay it down or put down 20%.
Members check their Cele-events calendar on their Give Back Day and support events. The best part about it is you keep 100% of funds received from members.
When is a person's Give Back Day? If a person joined the United Lifesavers on March 5th, their ‘Give Back Day’ would be the 5th of every month. All members with the ‘Give Back Day’ of the 5th are encouraged to support the cele-events on the 5th. For example: With 5,000 members and 30-days in a month we could potentially see 166 members ‘Giving Back’ every day to support each other's Events.