I'm Debt-Free by Using a Widow's Strategy!


When in debt, get out fast like a gazelle (Proverbs 6:1-5)


Do you wish you could get out of debt fast like a gazelle? I have great news for you: You no longer have to wish! I'm going to share with you how to pay off your debt using a widow's strategy from 2 Kings 4:1-7. In this story a widow with 2 sons paid off her debt, plus had enough left to live on the rest. What is amazing is she did so without the resources and technology we have today. After reading her story, I was inspired to give her strategy a try and it's my hope you will do the same. 


The Widow's Strategy (2 Kings 4:1-7)

To better understand the widow's strategy, I would like to breakdown the verses that they are embedded in.

After the widow asked Elisha for help (v.1) he asked her what she had in her house and she replied, “Your maidservant has nothing in the house except a jar of oil (v. 2)”. Then he told her, “Go, borrow vessels at large for yourself from all your neighbors, even empty vessels; do not get a few (v. 3)”. Then he told her to "go in and shut the door behind you and your sons, and pour out into all these vessels (v.4)". God multiplied the oil as she poured it into the vessels (v.5). Then she told her son, “Bring me another vessel. And he said to her, there is not one vessel more and then the oil stopped (v. 6)". Then Elisha told her to, “Go, sell the oil and pay your debt and you and your sons can live on the rest (v. 7)“.


7 Keys that Make Up the Widow's Strategy



(Verse 1) Ask for Help! - The widow asked Elisha (a man of God) for financial help.

How I Applied Key #1: I asked God to help me pay off debt. He gave me the widow's strategy.  


(Verse 2) Find and Give God Something to Use! - The widow could only find a jar of oil but it doesn't matter if it were a piece of fish and bread, God just needs something to use.

How I Applied Key #2: When I looked in my home all I found was a laptop, internet and the passion to help people, so I decided to build an online system that connects individuals with small businesses and nonprofits and rewards them financially for helping one another.


(Verse 3) Add the PLUS to Your Life! - The widow found people willing to let her borrow vessels, which shows love and unity towards her...what I call the PLUS (Power of Love in Unity to Succeed™). Their willingness to help was crucial to her financial breakthrough.

How I Applied Key #3: I had to borrow money to build my online system and to minimize my expenses I borrowed a bed in my parents home by moving back in and renting out mine. Both decisions were needed for my breakthrough.


(Verse 4) Remove distractions! The widow was instructed to go into her home and shut the door behind her and her sons (remove all distractions) and pour the oil into the vessels.

How I Applied Key #4: I limited hanging out when I moved back home and had to focus and not allow anything or anyone to distract me. I had an online system to build that would help benefit not just me but other's, too.


(Verse 5) Get those who need help to help you! The widow had her sons (the ones who would have been taken as slaves) bring her vessels to pour oil into, which sped up the oil pouring process for her to pay off her debt.

How I Applied Key #5: I had family/friends to brainstorm with and bounce ideas off as I built the online system, which sped up the process for me to get my online system into the marketplace.


(Verse 6) Use Your Faith with an Unlimited Vessels! The widow poured out the oil into the vessels until full. The oil she poured was her faith and the oil only stopped when she ran out of vessels for God to use!

How I Applied Key #6: It took years to pour into my vessels (build my online system called ARK of Prosperity™) and I made sure I gave God an unlimited (vessels) so His abundance would continue to flow. God isn't limited in resources but to our faith in Him to always do above all we ask or think.


(Verse 7) Go Sell the Oil! - When Elisha told the widow to go sell the oil and pay off your debt, he must have already knew there would be enough people to sell oil to, people would need her oil, people would have money to pay her price, people would buy it from her, and the profit would be enough to pay her debt!

How I Applied Key #7: The widow didn't allow fear to hold her back from asking people to buy her oil, so I couldn't allow fear to hold me back from asking people to try our 25-Days of Inspiration on-board the ARK, where for 25-days they inspire family/friends to add the PLUS to their life using our pre-customized infographics.

In summary, the widow gave God something to work with, used her faith to pour the oil and stepped out on faith to sell the oil!

What's also evident is the (PLUSPower of Love in Unity to Succeed was present in the widow's life when her neighbors showed her love and let her borrow vessels, her two sons helped with the process and her community supported her by buying her oil.

Seven take away's we can assume happened that shows the widow's resilience:

  1. Everyone she asked didn't say yes
  2. Everyone wasn't cheering her on
  3. Everyone didn't think she could do it
  4. Some thought her price was too high
  5. Her sons probably helped her sell it
  6. She told her story to inspire buyers
  7. She didn't give up and put in the work

I Put My Faith to Work

Just as the widow asked Elisha for help and believed she would receive it, I decided to stand on Mark 11:24, "Therefore I say to you, all things for which you pray and ask, believe that you received them, and they will be granted to you." I asked God to help me get out of debt and believed if I step out on faith believing God is with me, for me and on my side that I'd have favor and success.

Since the widow added work to her faith by selling her oil, I began selling ARK Boarding Passes (access to my system) to help navigate people into their Land of More than Enough, where after paying monthly expenses they still have $2,000 to Save-Invest-Give-and Play!

Do you want to pay off your debt? I would love to share how you can become Debt-Free on-board the ARK of Prosperity™!


You Already Have Something to Sell

Just as the widow had a pot of oil, if you have something for God to use such as a business, talent or a nonprofit, I'd like to invite you to bring it on-board the United Lifesavers figurative ship called the ARK of Prosperity™ by listing it in our online directory so our members on-board can support you. When you try the ARK for $25, we'll deposit $35 ARK Shopping Credits into your ARK account. Once it's activated you can use the $35 to shop a featured business. Plus, you can claim an item from our GOOD Store each quarter.


You Haven't Found Something to Sell

Haven't found anything to sell, may I suggest you sell our ARK Boarding Passes (access to our online system). In order to sell our system you have to board the ARK. When you try the ARK for $25, we'll deposit $35 ARK Shopping Credits into your ARK account. Once it's activated you can use the $35 to shop a featured business. Plus, you can claim an item from our GOOD Store each month and list items to giveaway to members who donate to your favorite nonprofit. 


You Need a Team to Pay Off Debt Fast

Just like the widow had a team (her 2 sons) helping with her oil business, during your 25-Days of Inspiration, you'll send pre-customized infographics to inspire 5 people to join your ARK team. Once 5 join by boarding the ARK your $35 credit is activated and you receive an additional $25 (totaling $60), plus now your $25 membership is FREE each month! When the 5 on your team sell ARK Boarding Passes complete their 25-Days of Inspiration and inspire 5 people to join their ARK team you earn more commission to pay off your debt.

If the widow and her 2 sons (her team) sold enough oil to pay off her debt, how fast do you think you could pay off your debt when your team of 5 multiplies to 25 and then to 125 as your team completes their 25-Days of Inspiration and inspire 5 to join their ARK team and you're earning $500 to $1,000 per month. I'll tell you how fast you can pay off your debt...as fast as a gazelle (Proverbs 6:1-5).


The ARK of Prosperity has been Dedicated

The ARK has been dedicated and given to God to use. Just as God provided the widow increase by multiplying the oil and showing her favor with the people in the community, we believe God will show you favor with 5 people to join your team and will multiply the team of 5 to 125 people who use our online system to pay off their debt.


4 Steps to $500 - $1,000 a month in 30-days

  1. (Day 1) Board the ARK and $35 is deposited into your ARK account. Once activated the $35 can be used to shop a featured business.
  2. (By Day 10) Inspire 5 to board the ARK (which activates your $35 to be used) and $35 is deposited into their ARK account.
  3. (By Day 20) Your 5 inspire 5 (totaling 25) to board the ARK and $35 is deposited into their ARK account.
  4. (By Day 30) Your 25 inspire 5 (totaling 125) to board the ARK and $35 is deposited into their ARK account.


Another way of looking at this is that you're rewarded financially for asking 5 people to support the small businesses on the ARK. So, instead of your 5 going directly to the business for the product/service or using another site, your 5 sign-up for a ARK Membership and receive $35 in Shopping Credits to buy the same product/service from the same business. Your 5 activate their $35 Shopping Credit by inspiring 5 people to board the ARK and receive $35 deposited into their ARK account to support a featured ARK business.

Money Breakdown: $35 deposited + $25 commission from team of 5 = $60 ... $60 - $25 ARK membership = $35 to shop a ARK business

Plus, ARK members gain access to our online system where they can give and claim items each month and support small businesses and nonprofits. ARK businesses also give members discounts on products/services.

If you would like to begin your journey to becoming debt-free by boarding the ARK of Prosperity™ visit nowyouwon.com/kenan

If for any reason you aren't satisfied you may cancel and if it's within your first 25-days, you get 5 - 20 months access on-board the ARK for free!

If you're not interested in boarding the ARK (letting me borrow your vessel) can I borrow your voice and ask you to post our pre-customized infographics on your Facebook or Instagram page.

My Statement of Faith:

I'm Debt-Free by Using a Widow's Strategy!